Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So I ditched the old Blog and started a new one. Hopefully I'll give this one more care and attention on average than I do my houseplants...houseplants?...crap, I have some watering to do.
I tend not to keep scrapbooks or the "Dear Diary today I remembered to floss" sorts of journals. But I do stuff that's worth (to me anyway) remembering. Maybe this'll give me proper motivation to memorialize. Maybe I'll stop doing stuff to focus on the perfection of the blog and write rambling meta-posts about the challenges of the blogosphere. If so, you have my permission to stop reading and come put me out of my misery.
About two years ago I moved to Los Angeles and lost all will to do anything but look for a job, find an apartment and pay my bills, holding onto financial solvency by my fingernails. About 8 months ago I got my LA dream job--working at a production company. I answer phones, read scripts and set meetings. It doesn't sound like much, but it makes me smile when I drive to work each day. However, there is more to life than work and more to LA than making movies. So my blog will not be (I hope) about my job or celebrity-whoring ways. I hope it'll be about the cool people I meet, the cool things I do, and the cool things I see.
I am not a camera person. I own one, but it mostly stays in a desk drawer and when it gets out, it mostly stays in my purse. Lame, I know. I have a camera phone. It, at least, is always with me. I will try to make better use of it. The pictures may be low-res, but they'll be better than nothing.
So, I hope you enjoy.

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