Thursday, November 16, 2006

Boycott OJ!

Hopefully, this does not need saying. Hopefully the disgusting prospect of a man profiting from a murder he got away with is enough to sour the seemingly endless American appetite for scandal and gore. However, I'm going to say it anyway. Boycott OJ! Don't buy his book, don't watch his TV special. If you feel so inclined, TiVo it so you can boycott the advertisers without watching it. Stop watching Fox until they cancel the interview. Don't shop in bookstores that carry that trash (the holidays are coming and lots of people give books--make it not worth it to retailers to sell this one--sadly, this includes Amazon). Make sure crime doesn't pay, not for the criminal nor for the media that hopes to exploit his crimes for gain.
I thought I was cynical. I thought there there was no level to which a person or company could stoop for money or fame that would really shock me anymore. Boy was I wrong. Fortunately, we're not (I hope) drooling masses that have to take what is dished out to us as entertainment.

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