Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Movie Madness

Finally got around to seeing some movies this weekend. Did a scary double feature on Friday with Prince and the gang (no, that's not the name of a band...). Disturbia was much better and scarier than I thought it would be. We were all tense and jumpy in our seats. 28 Weeks Later was awesome, as expected. Less viscerally terrifying than it's predecessor, but more intellectually disturbing. And of course it left room for further installments. By Saturday, after spending a morning doing job applications (woo-hoo) I was ready for some tamer fare, so went to see Waitress, a sweet little movie that's managed not to be completely overshadowed by the murder of it's writer/director/co-star Adrienne Shelly. Though it's been marketed as a sweet bit of down-home rom-com fluff, the film takes a much more adult and realistic approach to the role that romantic love plays in it's characters lives and it's consequences.
Spent Saturday night @ the Scene in Glendale getting up close and personal with Bedtime for Toys, who are going to be huge.
Sunday was more debauched than ever at Prince's BBQ. Took it down a notch last night to play kickball and grab a quick(ish) cider @ Big Wang's with the team.
Tonight will hopefully be a karaoke quickie @ Guy's North.
Then the rest of the week will be relatively quiet, except for UTIOG at the El Rey on Thursday. And driving to Vegas on Friday. By the time I get back I'll have to start gearing up for Tuesday...

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