Tuesday, March 06, 2007

That was relatively painless

Inspired by Sara, I decided to update the look of my blog, which I've been considering for awhile, but reluctant to tackle in the new Blogger. Wow. that was pretty simple. Sticking to the provided templates for the time being, I was able to click, cut and paste to bring over the elemenst from my old template to the new. Changing text colors was a snap. I would prefer a little more control over layout and background colors, but that is beyond my willingness to dive into self-taught HTML editing right now.
This is especially encouraging as I am severly sleep deprived due to some weekend excesses and checking out Great Northern and the Pity Party at the Viper Room last night (which has the surliest doorman in the city, possibly the world).
Hope you're having a lovely Tuesday!

1 comment:

flanthrower said...

like the new layout, especially the colors.