Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring has sprung

I know I'm becoming Californicated becuase I (like most of the Southland, judging by traffic) rejoiced in the climbing of temps over 70 degrees by immediately decamping to the beach, which was lovely. But I do know that highs in the mid-sixties and lows in the 40s for a few weeks does not deepest, darkest winter make. However, it is still quite nice to have some warm temps and not have to bring a cardigan/jacket/hoodie everywhere. I will feel completely the opposite in July and August when it's approximately a thousand and 12 degress in the Valley, and too hot to sleep without AC even at night (fortunatley, I bought a great little window unit last summer that makes it possible to get some zz's even when it's 85 degrees at midnight).
Happy Daylight Savings Time!

1 comment:

flanthrower said...

I guess the flip side, is that you know you've been in MN too long when you rejoice at a 40 degree day and get stuck in traffic with every other fool whose putzing through tons of melting snow. Whee!