Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Jeez, louize
Honestly, I think I've been a bit down about the whole, unemployed again thing. It gets less tolerable the older I get. I'm temping now and I definitely had some fun this summer--I was almost manic in my will to enjoy my freedom from work and a regular sleep schedule. That gets old fast, too, so I'm glad for the nights at home, the budget-minded recreational activities and the fact that the stove, if not the oven, finally works.
I'm a little more zen now that the other shoe has dropped in the form of the writers strike, which completely screws me and offers no direct benefit--especially since I plan to stay on the producers side of the table, career-wise.
On the upside, anticipating an excess of down time (which, thankfully was gobbled up by temp gigs), I volunteered at this year's AFI fest, hoping for some free loot in exchange for my free time. Alas, since I ended up working through the festival, I thought I wouldn't actually get to see any of the movies. But on Sunday, after a couple hours cutting up at the doors and collecting tickets with other volunteers, I got to sneak into the premiere of Love in the Time of Cholera, which was awesome! And afterwards, I was this close to Benjamin Bratt. Also saw Diego Luna, Alfre Woodard and that cute English dude from Fantastic 4. And I genuinely had fun working with the other volunteers on my shifts (thank god, there were a lot of weird fish running around with volunteer badges).
And my kickball team (you read that right) had our first win of the season last week. Tragically, we were eliminated in last night's playoff game, but we all had a good time and I look forward to the Spring season.
I've even done a good deed and walked the Los Angeles AIDS walk, which was a surprisingly tough 10K through West Hollywood. I think the relatively flat, paved terrain was too repetitive for 3 hours. But it was nothing compared to the near-death experience I had hiking in Northern Cali over Memorial Day weekend. That was mad brutal.
Anyway, I hope any readers I might have left had good end-of-summers and autumns. I'm really looking forward to the holiday season (heading to SC to visit my mom) and the new year. 2008 won't have to be very good to top 2007 and even if it's par for the course, at least I'm prepared. I'll try to keep posting through the madnes.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Radio Silence
Since I last posted I have moved, started collecting unemployment checks, turned 27 and spent more or less every day in some state of inebriation. How have you been?
My new place in Koreatown is AWESOME!!! It's a huge house and I have a huge room and many many pet ants...
I've seen a few movies this summer, the only ones worth mentioning are The Bourne Ultimatum and The Simpsons Movie, which were both great. The other week I won tickets to see Maximo Park at the El Rey, which was pretty cool as I've been trying to save money by not spending it on music. Though I did buy tickets to see the Cure at the Hollywood Bowl in October. It's the Cure! You can't miss the Cure!
I am very excited about a few trips I have planned for the end of summer: first going to Denver for the wedding of my dear friends Jake and Katie (tragically, I was unable to arrange for a gigolo to accompany me a la The Wedding Date, so warn the bachelors!), then going camping on Labor Day weekend in Northern Cali, which promises to be pretty cool and very, um, rustic, then finally getting back to civilization and visiting Derrick in SanFran.
I thought being unemployed would suck, but so far, I'm having a damn good time!
Friday, June 01, 2007
I've been tagged
Apparently I have to list 7 random things about myself then tag 7 other people (Myspace, here I come!):
1) I was born in Hawaii, so my mother tried to convince me to list "Native Islander" on my college apps to get me into better schools (turns out "smart woman from the South" was minority enough).
2) The first school I attended was Echole Maternelle St. Andre, in Bordeaux, France.
3) I spoke Hindi as a small child with my Indian ayah, Philomena.
4) Everyone I've met since I turned 18 and moved away from South Carolina has commented on my lack of accent. Sorry dudes, I learned to speak from the TV, not my neighbors.
5) My middle name is the maiden name of my mother's great-grandmother, nee Bridget Falvey. I really wish they had gone with Bridget instead.
6) I worked 2 jobs (1 full-time, 1 weekend) for 10 months to pay rent when I first moved to Cali. Not recommended.
7) I'm in a kickball league. My team's record is 0-5 and 4-5. Next week we win!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Visa Las Vegas
Karaoke on Tuesday was not a quickie and I'm sure I only meant to drink one glass of wine...so yesterday hurt a bit. UTIOG won't go on until 10:30 tonight and I need to be on the road before 10 am (I know, boo-hoo, but it is a really long drive to Vegas).
Had a really interesting conversation today about zombie movies and social commentary. It's not the zombies we're scared of, it's what they represent and how we respond. I love over intellectualizing my weird taste in film. Ah well, the only art that matters is the art that resonates, whether it's Picasso or Romero...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Movie Madness
Spent Saturday night @ the Scene in Glendale getting up close and personal with Bedtime for Toys, who are going to be huge.
Sunday was more debauched than ever at Prince's BBQ. Took it down a notch last night to play kickball and grab a quick(ish) cider @ Big Wang's with the team.
Tonight will hopefully be a karaoke quickie @ Guy's North.
Then the rest of the week will be relatively quiet, except for UTIOG at the El Rey on Thursday. And driving to Vegas on Friday. By the time I get back I'll have to start gearing up for Tuesday...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
The undead are out to get me!
Actually, I think I'm probably just feeling anxious because a) my office was evacuated during the fire in Griffith Park this week (we're on the southern border) b) the fire damage was extensive and you can see the balded, charred hills from the freeway, which last week were green (if not lush--it's been a dry year) c) there's another fire raging on Catalina Island--a really beautiful, scenic place--which must be particularly difficult for residents who have to flee to the mainland and d) I have a month and a half to find a new job and my resume isn't even updated. Many things to be worried and stressed about. In any case, I'm headed out tonight, have a BBQ tomorrow and am gearing up for Vegas over Memorial Day weekend! So life doesn't totally suck.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Fire Season
The weekend was completely action-packed: the Brooklyn Museum, 3 Tribeca screenings, Prospect Park, The Upright Citizens Brigade, countless drinks, many meals (including hot-dog off the street--yummy!) and Spring Awakening, which was amazing and that's coming from someone who is not a fan of musical theater. In retrospect it seems like too much to fit into 5 days, but we managed (of course, there was no time for pilgrimage to MoMA--boo). I didn't even notice that I missed the opening weekend of Spiderman 3--maybe I can catch it next weekend...but I think 28 Weeks Later is opening.
Flew back last night just in time to enjoy the heat wave and the fires that even now are irritating my eyes and promise to turn my commute into sheer torture--woot. I already miss the Subway. Though I am glad to be back in my spacious dump in the Valley, listening to KCRW and hanging with the coolest karaoke/kickball crew this side of the Rockies. All my east-coast buds are welcome to partake of those benefits as well as the futon in my living room.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Get down tonight
So safe travels to you all, wherever you're headed. I'll catch you on the flip side with tales of the city that never sleeps, a perfect destination for the Jess who rarely sleeps.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Hip, hip, hurrah
Less thrilling, finding out your Dad had to have his beloved dog put to sleep--he will be missed (the dog, not my dad).
That notwithstanding, been generally having a good time (even in my sleep, apparently) recently: saw a Dodgers game, went whale watching and finally saw Grindhouse last weekend, and of course made the Tuesday night pilgrimmage to karaoke at Guys in Studio City. Saw Hot Fuzz this Friday (hilarious!) and finally made it to Redwood downtown on Saturday (awesome '80s music, I could have danced all night). Spent Sunday slightly hunover and mostly inert, gearing up for another busy week.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Shit! I almost forgot!
Easter Parade
I know you think I must be done, but I actually spent last night at the House of Blues on Sunset. I couldn't bring myself to drink a drop and left before the show was over to get home and get some zzz's (also got a parking ticket--boo!). Since there's no rest for the wicked (and I am wicked indeed), I'm headed to not-lame karaoke with the crew tonight. Tomorrow I sleep!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Undercover Brother is an idiot

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Hoya Saxa Baby
I just have to wonder, when do these guys study for their mid-terms :o)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring has sprung
Happy Daylight Savings Time!
Friday, March 09, 2007
I hate it when this happens!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Fool for love
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
That was relatively painless
This is especially encouraging as I am severly sleep deprived due to some weekend excesses and checking out Great Northern and the Pity Party at the Viper Room last night (which has the surliest doorman in the city, possibly the world).
Hope you're having a lovely Tuesday!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Random Review
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tempest in a styrofoam yogurt cup
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hail to the Chief!

Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Breaking News!
First: The Cartoon Network causes a terror scare. Why is this a prime example of municipal dumassery? A) even if you're not familiar with Aqua Teen Hunger Force (and if you're not, you're already a douche), the device is obviously in the shape of a character giving the finger; since when have terrorists eschewed manifestos and creepy pre-suicide videos in favor images of absurdist cartoon characters flipping the bird? B) Those images were up for weeks before anyone even noticed and they are up in many other cities where they have failed to cause problems; it's pretty fucking lame of Boston to blame someone else for their belated over-reaction and C) they arrested the poor schlubs who were hired by the marketing agency which was hired by the network to implement this campaign of terror. I think if most of us were offered a paying gig from a reputable (and who checks that anyway?) marketing firm to place signs or advertisements for a national cable network, we would assume that what we were doing was legal and had been properly cleared. We would not expect to be arrested and publicly paraded around while the CEO of the marketing firm was "out of the office" and apparently immune to both arrest and pesky reporters. Way to go Boston! Your whole town is now the National Asshole. Fortunately, the 24-hour news cycle has radically sped up the process with which the American public digests incidents like this, so you'll be lucky if you even make it onto Saturday Night Live this week before everyone forgets what the joke's about. And what about the fucking first amendment? Shouldn't this be protected as free speech or something? Probably not, but it's kind of terrifying that one can't express oneself via public litebrite display without running the risk of arrest and national embarrassment at the hands of the Boston PD.
The second story concerns the theft of thousands of dollars worth of wine from a mansion in Silicon Valley. A) stealing wine is kind of genius--it's easy to unload, and if you can't, you can throw one hell of a SuperBowl party. B) Stealing from your rich-bitch (I'm assuming here) employer or client is time-honored passive-resistance of the servant class: power to the plebes! C) Bringing a little crime to the NIMBY, gated-community dwellers who care more about a purloined 50-year-old bottle of Bordeaux than the murder of an 18-year-old one town over isn't altogether a bad thing. It's not exactly social justice, but it does smack the teeniest bit of karma.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Shop till you drop
Monday, January 29, 2007
I'm a sad Panda :o(
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Notes on a Movie
Speaking of destruction: Beware thy kitchen sponge!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Movie reviews
Both were great in there own ways, fictionalizing the real and imagined terrors of the world in which we live, have lived and will live.
Children of Men is a warning of what life becomes when society gives up on it's future. In this case, that is represented by an inexplicable global infertility that threatens to wipe out the human race within a generation. The violent political strife between the English government and the droves of "fugees" from Eastern Europe and Africa (apparently), demonstrated in graphic scenes of terrorism and urban warfare, make a clear point that we don't need to be childless to be hopeless. The thesis of the film (if I may be so formal) seems to be that alienation and complacency result a moribund civilization: the scenes of characters going through the motions of a life without dreams or a future, without compassion for others (beyond celebrities they've never met) seems to invite the inevitable collapse of society around their ears. The lesson questions lifestyles that negate human interaction as well as politics that create us vs. Them. Ultimately the only ways we can survive as individuals, societies or a species is by embracing each other.
The Last King of Scotland, "based on real people and events," is a warning to anyone who thinks he can make a game of nation-building (ah-HEM). Though it's concerned with the aftermath of British colonialism in Africa, the lesson clearly has current applications. Fundamentally, there is a problem when any nation tries to impose their way of doing business on another, whether that's out of post-colonial guilt or a sincere desire to improve lives. There's an even bigger problem when you half-ass the job so you can spend the rest of your time screwing around in exotic locales. That may be too literal an interpretation, and obviously the film is entertaining and disturbing if the characters are taken at face value. I just can't help but think that (beyond providing an "access point" for white audiences) there's a reason to stick attractive white people in peril in Africa (The Constant Gardener and Blood Diamond are other examples of this), it can't help but make a political or social comment. Perhaps, in spite of our political correctness and under the guise of shining light on some issue or another, we (White, European, Western) can't help but see Africa without the spectre of the Heart of Darkness looming over it. It remains, in so many unfortunate ways, a place where it seems law has no rule and the most terrible things can happen. We perpetuate and revel in that notion. Our new manifest destiny becomes saving this damned place. Why else would Angelina and Brad and Madonna make a crusade out of their efforts there? I'm not saying the help isn't needed; it just seems the needs and the lacks of that place are fetishized in our culture as the ultimate Other, a place so opposite and broken that not even democracy works there. It would be interesting to see Africa through it's own eyes, on it's own terms.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Work woes
Last week was pretty shitty at work. Frankly, I'm over the details.
The important thing is that I got to meet Daniel Craig. And I totally went retarded. The only sentence I could form was "I saw Casino Royale twice!" in basically the same manner and pitch a three year old would use describing a trip to Disneyland. After that all I could do was retreat to my office to answer a phantom phone ring. D'oh!
So much for sleeping my way to the top :o)
Then later, at a convenience store, I saw his cover with Nicole Kidman on W Magazine. All I could think was, "That is so lame! I can't believe I let that man rob me of intelligent speech!" and "I really can't stand Nicole Kidman, her best work is way behind her (in To Die For)."
He is pretty hot, though.
And to you, my dear readers, please never, never, never link this blog to anything containing my real name--I would like to work in this town again :o)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I'm afraid...
The upshot is, we'll have to deal with Mrs. Beckham...
I wonder if the Galaxy will become the new Lakers?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
America is funny
The first, Confederate States of America,

was a funny and pretty scary vision (visa-a-visa a faux British documentary), of the last 150 years of American history had the South won the War of Northern aggression. Some of the best bits were the "commercials" inserted into the broadcast of the documentary ("not suitable for children or servants") on CSA TV. What a great conceit! Terrifying and far too plausible to anyone who's ever encountered Southern pride and the stars and bars...
The next, Idiocracy, was lighter, more commercial fare that was unceremoniously dumped into theaters by Fox with no publicity.
A fierce satire of the wages of stupidity on American culture by Mike Judge (the genius behind Office Space), Idiocracy makes concrete everyone's (mine anyway) secret conviction that she is much smarter than everyone else--that's a premise I could get off on.
I totally scared myself stupid watching The Descent alone. Once I'd regained my senses, I wondered at the possible subtext of a story in which an irresponsible, thrill-seeking American leads her trusting group of English friends into a quagmire from which the only apparent escape is a painful, bloody, violent, terrifying death. There's also emotional subtext.
The ubercable at my mom's house got me totally hooked on BBC programming (via BBC America and the SciFi channel) so I've been rounding out my rental queue with the last few seasons of MI-5 (I know Sara would appreciate the Matthew Macfadyen hotness factor) and Doctor Who.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Before I left LA last month, I had a lovely visit to the Huntington library and gardens, which I highly recommend to anyone in the Pasadena vicinity.
I also managed to catch the end of the UTIOG tour at the Roxy on Sunset. Grabbed a burger at the Rainbow beforehand--it was a very rock'n'roll on the Strip kind of night. Could not be more bummed that the Rapture is not coming to LA with UTIOG opening! Aaahh!!! How could they collectively do this to me? It's just goddamn cruel.
Got back to LA just in time to party in the Hills on New Year's-- enjoyed too much wine, some amazing views of Hollywood and a complete abscence of lines, bouncers and crowds.
I'm sure there's plenty more fun and frivolity I haven't had a chance to blog about...my resolution is to totally get better about this...I swear. No really, I mean it and I'm going to stick to it. Who am I kidding? Check back in another 3 weeks...